About 80% of the Company's hydrocarbon production comes from liquid hydrocarbons. The MAŁOPOLSKA OIL & GAS produces about 2% of world oil production, operating in many countries around the world. The volume of oil production by the Company in 2018 amounted to 92.6 million tons. On the territory of Poland, 92.9 million tons of oil was produced, representing 14.9% of the total Poland production in accordance with the data of the Central Dispatching Department of the Fuel and Energy Complex. In 2019, the volume and dynamics of the Company's oil production in Poland were determined by external restrictions in accordance with the agreement between Poland. Since the start of the production program in accordance with the terms of the Contract, the production of additional oil amounted to 200.1 thousand tons, two crews of KRS produced a total of 63 repairs on 40 wells, mainly from the number of wells of the inactive fund and the fund awaiting physical liquidation. 29 wells completed the introduction of GNO, of which 24 wells are in operation, providing additional daily production in the amount of up to 116 tons / day.
The service center of our suppliers is an integral part of our business, ensuring our sites and factories are capable of manufacturing or processing, marketing and continually improving the thousands of unique oil and gas we produce today.